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Limited Edition Numberblocks Activity Flisat Lid


A fab Large Trofast Activity Lid with recessed hidden counting trays.

The lid is a fab puzzle with 10 spaces, one of each of the Numberblocks characters.

Lift the character off to reveal a hidden matching numbered counting tray, perfect for chick peas, pom poms and other fab counting pieces.

Remove the base layer to create a hollow lid so you can post small items into the holes or to poke longer items like pipe cleaners and straws.

Also, we have a fab set of 10 sensory trays.

All 10 characters in two layers which you can glue together with any white craft glue.

A 6mm hollow layer and a 3mm solid back piece.

The sensory trays vary in size so please see photos to see them in my hand as a guide.

Numberblocks Limited edition Activity Lid and sensory trays

PriceFrom £14.50

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