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This is our new Going on a bear hunt lid

A large Trofast lid with a lovely cut out sections for sand, pom poms, pebbles and textures you can use to create the famous sections of the book story


Comes with a deep cave that is designed to sit on the back of your flisat table, fitting perfectly around your lid space, and a house that goes at the front

The cave is made up of 3 x 18mm pieces to give it the deep dark effect, and comes with a 3mm backing piece and sits in a base to keep it steady

The Bear, family and the house are all double sided so you can see the characters whichever way they are facing.

This is great for the family as it means you can travel through the sections going left to right, then right to left.

You can buy the set with or without the coloured sand bottles If you buy it with, each bottle is full (in the pics, I have used some of the contents in the lid) Green, blue, white, brown; yellow and black

If you do not have a flisat table or a trofast tray, you can just as easily place it on a table, or on the floor. It works just as well

Going on a bear hunt flisat lid

PriceFrom £5.00

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