Ikea Trofast / Flisat fitting Activity Lids
This listing is for the Number Counting 10 Frames in both Large and Small Tray options
It is a 6mm Lid with perfectly sized holes to fit the super chunky Square Number Buttons
A full set comes with a 3mm Solid base, Hollow 10 Frame Lid in 6mm with the numbers engraved below each space and a set of chunky square 18mm Number blocks (With numbered holes)
(Please note with the small lid, the holes are large enough for the chunky number blocks to slot in standing up on their sides)
Great also as a hollow posting lid if you remove the base lid as little ones can post the buttons or correct number of shapes through each of the holes.
Number Counting Ten Frame tray Lid
If you don't have a Flisat table
With most of our designs, we're happy to make them more rectangular to be just used on a desk, table, floor etc, for anyone that doesn't have a Flisat table, or Trofast trays.
Please just comment in the notes and we'll remove the little thumb slot and make the corners more rectangular.Disclaimer
All our Learning Resource and Activity Lid products are craft / learning aids and are to be used under supervision only. Some of the items may contain small parts